Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/27/2024 - 07:00
Management Area:
South Fraser
Cultus Lake Park
30 years
Summary of Activity:
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) undertook emergency repairs of multiple stream crossings along the Columbia Valley Road damaged by the well-known atmospheric river event of November 2021. This event caused widespread flood damage to homes, businesses, and highway infrastructure. While temporary repairs sufficed at that time, there is a need to implement permanent culvert replacements to maintain access for residents of the Columbia Valley.
Four crossings have been identified as being affected by the atmospheric river event and require urgent works to repair and replace the crossings:
Columbia Valley Rd culvert at Delta Grove
Columbia Valley Rd culvert at Teapot Hill (East)
Columbia Valley Rd culvert at Teapot Hill (West)
Columbia Valley Rd at Maple Bay
The crossing replacements at Delta Grove, Teapot Hill East, and Teapot Hill West are culvert replacements. The Maple Bay crossing will be replaced with a stormwater outfall.
The existing damaged culverts are located within MoTIs ROW along Columbia Valley Road. The existing conditions at these sites are unsafe and require improvements. A Park Use Permit is being applied for as the replacement infrastructure extends slightly longer than the existing into BC Parks land, and some park areas will be temporarily required for construction.
Permit Type:
His Majesty The King in right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Issue Date:
Monday, May 6, 2024
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