Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 10962

Property Name Hit
NAD 83
49° 41' 42.00'' N, 120° 32' 04.00'' W
49.695, -120.534444
UTM: Easting 677806, Northing 5507639, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 41' 42.23'' N, 120° 32' 00.14'' W
49.695065, -120.533373
UTM: Easting 677888, Northing 5507430, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092H10E
BCGS 092H068
Mining Divisions Similkameen
Mining Camp
Title Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Report on the Hit 1-3, Miss Claims, Similkameen Mining Division
Report Year 1982
Number of Pages 62
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1982-08-05
Off Confidential 1983-08-05
Claims HIT, MISS
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological, Physical
Operators Can. Nickel
Authors Debicki, E.
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 0 sample(s)
Soil 0 sample(s)
Geological Geological 0.0 ha
Physical Line/grid 0.0 km
Related Report(s) 10437
File(s) 10962.pdf
Geological Summary
The country rocks are moderately to steeply dipping, north/south striking volcanics, volcaniclastics, sedimentary rocks of the Nicola Group (Triassic/Jurassic), and synvolcanic diorite intrusive. Minor copper mineralization occurs in small fracture zones. A highly altered, bleached-rusty pyritic zone appears to be part of an epithermal system.