Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 10966

Property Name D
NAD 83
58° 10' 47.00'' N, 129° 06' 30.00'' W
58.179722, -129.108333
UTM: Easting 493629, Northing 6448725, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
58° 10' 47.24'' N, 129° 06' 24.05'' W
58.179789, -129.106681
UTM: Easting 493726, Northing 6448522, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104I03E
BCGS 104I015
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp
Title Report on the D-1-D13 Claims, McBride River Area, Liard Mining Division
Report Year 1982
Number of Pages 38
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1982-10-12
Off Confidential 1983-10-12
Claims D
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological
Operators Pamicon Developments Ltd.
Authors Ikona, Charles K.
Yeager, David A.
MINFILE Nos 104I 093
Work Done
Geochemical Silt 0 sample(s)
Geological Geological 0.0 ha
Related Report(s) 10699
File(s) 10966.pdf
Geological Summary
The claim area is between the King Salmon Thrust Fault and the Hotailuh Batholith (Triassic/Jurassic). Between these boundaries are volcanic and sedimentary rocks of an island arc environment varying from the Sinwa Formation (Upper Triassic) to the Hazelton Group (Middle Jurassic). Gold, silver, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite with quartz-calcite gangue occur in fissures.