Property Name |
Location |
NAD 83 |
49° 29' 47.00'' N, 126° 23' 29.00'' W
49.496389, -126.391389
UTM: Easting 688887, Northing 5485910, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
49° 29' 47.45'' N, 126° 23' 24.47'' W
49.496514, -126.390131
UTM: Easting 688984, Northing 5485708, Zone 9 (North)
092E08W |
092E049 |
Mining Divisions |
Alberni |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Prospecting Report on the Lake, Lake 2, Basin 1-2, Isle 1-2 Claims, Alberni Mining Division |
Report Year |
1982 |
Number of Pages |
14 |
Statements of Work |
n/a |
Affidavit Date |
1983-05-27 |
Off Confidential |
1984-05-27 |
Claims |
General Work Categories |
Geochemical, Prospecting |
Operators |
Hansen, L.
Owners |
Authors |
Buckland, Peter
092E 013,
092E 014,
092E 016,
092E 031
Commodities |
Work Done |
Geochemical |
Rock |
0 sample(s) |
Soil |
0 sample(s) |
Prospecting |
Prospecting |
0.0 ha |
Keywords |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |
Sparse outcrops on the property are basalts and diorites. Old workings expose diorite, migmatite, gneiss and felsite. Silver and gold-bearing copper, lead and zinc sulphides occur in stringers, pods and quartz veins.