Location |
NAD 83 |
50° 06' 48.00'' N, 120° 23' 10.00'' W
50.113333, -120.386111
UTM: Easting 686878, Northing 5554504, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
50° 06' 48.22'' N, 120° 23' 06.13'' W
50.113396, -120.385035
UTM: Easting 686960, Northing 5554294, Zone 10 (North)
092I01W |
092I019 |
Geological Summary |
The May claims cover several zones of highly carbonate-altered Nicola greenstones (associated) cut by pyritic quartz and ankerite veinlets. One sample contained traces of malachite, azurite and chalcocite. Tuffaceous andesitic outcrops 100 metres to the east and west are not significantly altered. In the altered zone slightly anomalous barite, copper, chromium, asbestos, antimony, and mercury values are reported; the high barite and copper zone is partly fringed by a chromium anomaly. Detectable gold occurred in one rock chip sample.