Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 15621

Property Name Snip
NAD 83
56° 40' 59.00'' N, 131° 07' 07.00'' W
56.683056, -131.118611
UTM: Easting 370218, Northing 6284112, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 40' 59.42'' N, 131° 07' 01.04'' W
56.683174, -131.116954
UTM: Easting 370316, Northing 6283909, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104B11E
BCGS 104B065
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp
Title Assessment Report on the Snip 1-5 and Jim 1-2 Mineral Claims
Report Year 1986
Number of Pages 87
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1986-10-17
Off Confidential 1987-10-17
Claims Snip 1
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical
Operators Delaware Resources Corp.
Cominco Ltd.
Owners Cominco Ltd.
Authors Nichols, Ron F.
MINFILE Nos 104B 023
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 12 hole(s); BQ; 1494.2 m
Geochemical Rock 950 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Copper
Sampling/assaying 250 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Gold
Related Report(s) 14166, 9964, 4140
File(s) 15621.pdf
Geological Summary
The claims are underlain by Mesozoic arenaceous and tuffaceous units that are cut by a large dyke-like orthoclase porphyry. Bleaching, potassic alteration (K-spar, sericite) and silicification are extensively developed adjacent to the porphyry. High grade gold mineralization occurs within steeply dipping quartz-carbonate-pyrite, shear-vein systems that cut the altered arkoses and lithic wackes.