Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16038

Property Name TL
NAD 83
55° 36' 42.00'' N, 125° 48' 30.00'' W
55.611667, -125.808333
UTM: Easting 323124, Northing 6166439, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
55° 36' 42.24'' N, 125° 48' 24.87'' W
55.611734, -125.806909
UTM: Easting 323207, Northing 6166228, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093N12W
BCGS 093N061
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Geophysical Report on the TL 2 and TL 3 Claims (Bodine Group)
Report Year 1987
Number of Pages 19
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1987-02-06
Off Confidential 1988-02-06
Claims TL 2
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc.
Owners Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc.
Authors Maxwell, Gordon
Bradish, Lyndon
MINFILE Nos 093N 179
Work Done
Geophysical Induced Polarization 1.1 km
Magnetic, ground 6.2 km
Related Report(s) 14780, 8485, 6578
File(s) 16038.pdf
Geological Summary
The claims are underlain by felsic to intermediate volcaniclastic rocks of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Sitlika Group. These rocks strike northwest and dip steeply to the southwest. The property includes a previously discovered zinc-copper showing and several pyritic sericite schist horizons.