Location |
NAD 83 |
55° 57' 41.00'' N, 129° 55' 01.00'' W
55.961389, -129.916944
UTM: Easting 442756, Northing 6202162, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
55° 57' 41.41'' N, 129° 54' 55.30'' W
55.961502, -129.915360
UTM: Easting 442853, Northing 6201959, Zone 9 (North)
103P13W |
103P091 |
Geological Summary |
Siltstone, sandstone and greywacke of the Salmon River Formation has been folded into a canoe-shaped trough overlying volcanics of the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation. Both units have been intruded by the Glacier Creek augite porphyry and by a satellite stock of quartz monzonite of the Tertiary Hyder Batholith. High-grade lenses of argentiferous mineralization occur in quartz-breccia sulphide veins cutting the siltstones, accompanied by lead-zinc values.