Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16309

Property Name Taseko JV
NAD 83
51° 06' 54.00'' N, 123° 18' 53.00'' W
51.115, -123.314722
UTM: Easting 477971, Northing 5662661, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 06' 54.31'' N, 123° 18' 48.68'' W
51.115086, -123.313523
UTM: Easting 478054, Northing 5662451, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092O03W
BCGS 092O014
Mining Divisions Clinton
Mining Camp Taseko - Blackdome Area
Title Taseko Project, 1986 Drilling Report
Report Year 1987
Number of Pages 77
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1986-12-19
Off Confidential 1987-12-19
Claims An, An 3, Bluff 1-2, Bluff 9
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Physical
Operators Esso Resources Canada Limited
Owners Westmin Resources Ltd.
Authors Melnyk, W.
Britten, Ronald
MINFILE Nos 092O 005
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 2 hole(s); NQ; 434.9 m
Geochemical Sampling/assaying 154 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Physical Road, local access 6.9 km
Related Report(s) 14902
File(s) 16309.pdf
Geological Summary
The Taseko Property is underlain by Upper Cretaceous Kingsvale Group andesite flows and pyroclastics intercalated with lesser amounts of sedimentary rocks including argillite and conglomerate. Widespread zones of intense silicification, advanced argillic and alunitic alteration occur on the property. Anomalous rock gold geochemistry occurs in some of the intensely altered zones.