Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16703

Property Name Spruce Creek
NAD 83
59° 33' 52.00'' N, 133° 32' 49.00'' W
59.564444, -133.546944
UTM: Easting 582107, Northing 6603804, Zone 8 (North)
NAD 27
59° 33' 52.36'' N, 133° 32' 42.21'' W
59.564545, -133.545058
UTM: Easting 582216, Northing 6603610, Zone 8 (North)
NTS 104N12E
BCGS 104N053
Mining Divisions Atlin
Mining Camp Atlin Camp
Title Report on the 1987 Field Exploration Program, Spruce Creek Placer Project, Atlin, BC
Report Year 1987
Number of Pages 292
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1988-03-31
Off Confidential 1989-03-31
Claims Placer Lease 12247, Placer Lease 13213, Placer Lease 1465, Placer Lease 1707-1708
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geophysical, Physical
Operators Carnes Creek Ex.
Owners Carnes Creek Ex.
Authors Krueckl, George P.
Work Done
Drilling Rotary 27 hole(s); 1399.2 m
Geochemical Metallurgic 18 sample(s)
Sampling/assaying 365 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Gold
Geophysical Seismic 5.5 km
Physical Pits 2 pit(s)
Stripping 0.0 ha
Related Report(s) 16560, 4843, 4551
File(s) 16703a.pdf
Geological Summary
Exploration has indicated gold-bearing red Tertiary river gravels, gold-bearing blue-grey reworked Tertiary or Pleistocene overburden and a gold-bearing esker. Volcanic and ultramafic rocks compose local bedrock geology.