Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16732

Property Name Sullivan
NAD 83
49° 44' 35.00'' N, 116° 03' 16.00'' W
49.743056, -116.054444
UTM: Easting 568125, Northing 5510492, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 44' 35.10'' N, 116° 03' 12.69'' W
49.743082, -116.053525
UTM: Easting 568194, Northing 5510277, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082F09E, 082F16E, 082G13W
BCGS 082F080
Mining Divisions Fort Steele
Mining Camp Purcell Belt (Sullivan)
Title FAME Report: Grant#10963-M18, Sullivan Project, 3 Parts: 1 - Geology, 2 - Diamond Drilling, 3 - Geophysics
Report Year 1987
Number of Pages 93
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1988-03-31
Off Confidential 1989-03-31
Claims Lots 12878-12893, Lots 12907-12924, Lots 13227-13286, Lots 13503-13525, Lots 13536-13599, Lots 9535-9548
General Work Categories Drilling, Geological, Geophysical
Operators Cominco Ltd.
Owners Cominco Ltd.
Authors Ransom, P.W.
Commodities Lead, Zinc
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 5 hole(s); HQ NQ; 2455.8 m
Geochemical Sampling/assaying 7 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 4000.0 ha; Scale(s): 1:20 000
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground HLEM; 16.0 km
Physical Line/grid 22.5 km
Related Report(s) 7461, 7460, 7428, 7182, 7181, 7020, 6970, 6786, 6785, 6661, 6660, 6656, 6189, 5463, 5462, 3621
File(s) 16732.pdf
Geological Summary
The claims are underlain by Proterozoic Aldridge and Creston Formation sediments. The dominant rock types are wacke, quartz wacke, and argillite.