Property Name |
Location |
NAD 83 |
49° 10' 00.00'' N, 118° 32' 04.00'' W
49.166667, -118.534444
UTM: Easting 388144, Northing 5447117, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27 |
49° 10' 00.18'' N, 118° 32' 00.42'' W
49.166716, -118.533451
UTM: Easting 388213, Northing 5446902, Zone 11 (North)
082E02E |
082E018 |
Mining Divisions |
Greenwood |
Mining Camp |
Greenwood Camp |
Title |
Report on the Eholt Property |
Report Year |
1988 |
Number of Pages |
46 |
Statements of Work |
0000005 |
Affidavit Date |
1988-03-18 |
Off Confidential |
1989-03-18 |
Claims |
Eholt, Eholt 1, Pt. Eholt |
General Work Categories |
Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical |
Operators |
Golden Kootenay Resources Inc.
Owners |
Carson, John W.
Authors |
McLeod, James W.
Commodities |
Copper, Silver, Gold |
Work Done |
Geochemical |
Soil |
650 sample(s); No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Geological |
Geological |
950.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:1000, 1:5000 |
Geophysical |
Electromagnetic, ground |
VLF; 21.5 km; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:5000 |
Magnetic, ground |
21.5 km; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000 |
Keywords |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |
Pre-Permian to Tertiary intercalated volcano-sediments are intruded by Cretaceous to Tertiary intrusives. Many of the rocks have undergone some metamorphism. Mineralization occurs along contacts and shears? The alteration minerals noted on the property include quartz, chlorite, gypsum, calcite, epidote and tremolite? Mineralization consists of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, gold and silver.