Location |
NAD 83 |
49° 17' 00.00'' N, 116° 25' 04.00'' W
49.283333, -116.417778
UTM: Easting 542343, Northing 5459116, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27 |
49° 17' 00.11'' N, 116° 25' 00.68'' W
49.283364, -116.416855
UTM: Easting 542411, Northing 5458901, Zone 11 (North)
082F01W |
082F028 |
Geological Summary |
The claims are underlain by Proterozoic age sedimentary rocks ranging from Aldridge Formation on the east through Dutch Creek Formation on the west. More particularly, Hall 4 is underlain by Middle and Upper Aldridge rocks which are quartzitic, medium bedded turbidites succeeded by a thin bedded argillaceous sequence. North trending faults are sub-paralleded by discontinuous quartz vein systems. No visible lead or zinc mineralization has been found to date.