Property Name |
Why Not
Location |
NAD 83 |
50° 56' 00.00'' N, 122° 44' 05.00'' W
50.933333, -122.734722
UTM: Easting 518641, Northing 5642445, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
50° 56' 00.29'' N, 122° 44' 00.77'' W
50.933414, -122.733547
UTM: Easting 518724, Northing 5642235, Zone 10 (North)
092J15E |
092J097 |
Mining Divisions |
Lillooet |
Mining Camp |
Bridge River Camp |
Title |
Geophysical Report on Airborne Magnetic and VLF-EM Surveys |
Report Year |
1988 |
Number of Pages |
27 |
Statements of Work |
n/a |
Affidavit Date |
1989-01-20 |
Off Confidential |
1990-01-20 |
Claims |
Why Not 1-4 |
General Work Categories |
Geophysical |
Operators |
Levon Resources Ltd.
Owners |
Levon Resources Ltd.
Authors |
Brewer, Lloyd C.
Commodities |
Antimony, Gold, Silver |
Work Done |
Geophysical |
Electromagnetic, airborne |
VLF; 91.7 km; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Magnetic, airborne |
91.7 km; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Keywords |
Andesites, Anhydrite, Basalts, Cherts, Fergusson Group, Paleozoic, Quartz |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |
The southwest and northeast portions of the claim group are underlain by cherts and volcanics of the Paleozoic Fergusson Series. Volcanics are predominate rock type consisting of green to dark green massive, occasionally pillowed, basic andesites to basalts. Extensive orange brown alteration containing quartz and enhydrite is exposed on the western side of Why Not 2 (Sampson, 1985).