Property Name |
Location |
NAD 83 |
59° 43' 01.00'' N, 134° 39' 07.00'' W
59.716944, -134.651944
UTM: Easting 519579, Northing 6619940, Zone 8 (North)
NAD 27 |
59° 43' 01.41'' N, 134° 39' 00.03'' W
59.717058, -134.650009
UTM: Easting 519689, Northing 6619746, Zone 8 (North)
104M10E, 104M15E |
104M077 |
Mining Divisions |
Atlin |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Geological, Geochemical, Trenching and Diamond Drill Report on the Teepee Mountain Project |
Report Year |
1990 |
Number of Pages |
175 |
Statements of Work |
n/a |
Affidavit Date |
1991-01-04 |
Off Confidential |
1992-01-04 |
Claims |
Add 1-8, TP 6, TP 9 |
General Work Categories |
Drilling, Geochemical, Geological, Physical |
Operators |
Cyprus Gold (Canada) Ltd.
Owners |
Cyprus Gold (Canada) Ltd.
Authors |
Cuttle, Jim
104M 048,
104M 049,
104M 050,
104M 081,
104M 084
Commodities |
Zinc, Arsenic, Silver, Lead, Gold |
Work Done |
Drilling |
Diamond surface |
11 hole(s); NQ; 1336.3 m; No. of maps: 8; Scale(s): 1:250 |
Geochemical |
Rock |
93 sample(s); No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:2500, 1:25 000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Sampling/assaying |
195 sample(s) |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Silt |
28 sample(s) |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Geological |
Geological |
2000.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:25 000 |
Physical |
Topographic/photogrammetric |
10000.0 ha |
Trench |
6 trench(es); 128.0 m; No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:100 |
Keywords |
Andesites, Arsenopyrite, Galena, Gneisses, Granodiorites, Paleozoic-Proterozoic, Pyroxenites, Quartz veins, Schists, Sphalerite, Yukon Group |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |