Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 26567

Property Name Antler-Nugget Mountain
NAD 83
53° 01' 33.00'' N, 121° 26' 50.00'' W
53.025833, -121.447222
UTM: Easting 604142, Northing 5876272, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
53° 01' 33.19'' N, 121° 26' 45.73'' W
53.025885, -121.446037
UTM: Easting 604225, Northing 5876062, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093A14W, 093H03W
BCGS 093H003
Mining Divisions Cariboo
Mining Camp Cariboo - Quesnel Belt
Title Antler-Nugget Mountain Property Geological Mapping Survey
Report Year 2001
Number of Pages 43
Statements of Work 3163396
Affidavit Date 2001-03-22
Off Confidential 2002-03-22
Claims Antler 1, Dufferin, Grouse, Heron
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological
Operators Kocsis, Stephen
Owners Kocsis, Stephen
Authors Kocsis, Stephen
MINFILE Nos 093A 054, 093A 104, 093H 008, 093H 029, 093H 052
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 22 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 2000.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 110 000
Keywords Antler Formation, Barkerville Terrane, Phyllites, Sericite schists, Siltstones
Related Report(s) 25832, 24285, 24135, 23590, 23452, 23126, 22989, 12263, 11490, 10382, 7128
File(s) 26567a.pdf
Geological Summary