Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 28630

Property Name Meridian
NAD 83
50° 47' 35.00'' N, 117° 37' 31.00'' W
50.793056, -117.625278
UTM: Easting 455930, Northing 5626999, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
50° 47' 35.12'' N, 117° 37' 27.42'' W
50.793090, -117.624282
UTM: Easting 455999, Northing 5626783, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082K13E
BCGS 082K073
Mining Divisions Revelstoke
Mining Camp
Title 2006 Geological Report on the Meridian Property
Report Year 2006
Number of Pages 26
Statements of Work 4099596
Affidavit Date 2006-08-29
Off Confidential 2007-08-29
Claims Annette, Cangeo 1 - 5,, David, Lucky Duck,, Michelle, Miki, Mini, Pamela
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological
Operators Manson Creek Resources Ltd.
Owners Davis, Louis Arthur
Authors Chernish, Regan P.Geol
MINFILE Nos 082KNW046, 082KNW047, 082KNW048, 082KNW063, 082KNW064, 082KNW065, 082KNW066, 082KNW143, 082KNW146, 082KNW174, 082KNW186, 082KNW187, 082KNW199
Commodities Gold, Silver
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 40 sample(s); ME; No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold
Geological Geological 700.0 ha
Keywords Basalts, Broadview Formation, Cambrian-Devonian, Gold, Jowett Formation, Lardeau Group, Pyrite, Quartz veins, Sedimentary rocks, Tetrahedrite
Related Report(s) 20054, 18232, 11177, 6021, 5690, 5172
File(s) 28630.pdf
Geological Summary