Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 31064

Property Name Atlin
NAD 83
59° 31' 00.00'' N, 133° 24' 00.00'' W
59.516667, -133.4
UTM: Easting 590537, Northing 6598675, Zone 8 (North)
NAD 27
59° 31' 00.36'' N, 133° 23' 53.24'' W
59.516766, -133.398122
UTM: Easting 590647, Northing 6598481, Zone 8 (North)
NTS 104N11W
BCGS 104N003
Mining Divisions Atlin
Mining Camp Atlin Camp
Title Atlin Project, Geochemical Surveys and Selected Reconnaissance Magnetometer Surveys
Report Year 2009
Number of Pages 2416
Statements of Work 4288235
Affidavit Date 2009-06-15
Off Confidential 2010-06-15
Claims 521544, 521545, 521547, 521549, 521550, 521552, 521554, 521555, 521556, 521557, 521558, 521559, 521560, 521561, 521562, 521563, 521564, 521565, 521575, 521576, 521577, 521578, 521579, 521581, 521587, 521589, 521590, 521591, 521593, 521594, 521595, 521597, 521599, 521600, 522314, 522315, 522316, 522317, 548471, 548472, 548940, 548941, 548942, 548943, 548944, 592167, 593091, 593092, 593093, 603126, 603127, 603128, 603129, Blind Creek, Blind Creek 2
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geophysical
Operators Blind Creek Resources Ltd.
Owners Blind Creek Resources Ltd.
Authors Aspinall, Nicholas Clive
MINFILE Nos 104N 007, 104N 008, 104N 009, 104N 010, 104N 019, 104N 027, 104N 028, 104N 029, 104N 030, 104N 031, 104N 032, 104N 033, 104N 034, 104N 035, 104N 036, 104N 039, 104N 041, 104N 042, 104N 043, 104N 044, 104N 045, 104N 046, 104N 047, 104N 050, 104N 061, 104N 069, 104N 076, 104N 079, 104N 080, 104N 091, 104N 098, 104N 099, 104N 100, 104N 101, 104N 103, 104N 104, 104N 116, 104N 117, 104N 118, 104N 120
Commodities Silver, Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 137 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 25 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Multielement
Silt 3 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 173.0 km
Keywords Argillites, Basaltic volcanics, Cache Creek Complex, Gold, Horsefeed Formation, Kedahada Formation, Listwanites, Marbles, Mississippian-Triassic, Nakina Formation, Ophiolites, Placer gold, Siliciclastics, Silver, Ultramafics, Calcareous sedimentary rocks, Eclogites, Digital data ground geophysics, Digital data geochemistry
Related Report(s) 30818, 30750, 30624, 30600, 30553, 30462, 30042, 29958, 29635, 29515, 29481, 29124, 29032, 28933, 28932, 28799, 28785, 28620, 28582, 28519, 28164, 28126, 28056, 27852, 27707, 27504, 27485, 27277, 26602, 25325, 25197, 25117, 24926, 24484, 24065, 24003, 23980, 23304, 23060, 22945, 22774, 21869, 21758, 21050, 21046, 20626, 19944
File(s) 31064.pdf
Geological Summary