Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 34965

Property Name Silver Fox
NAD 83
49° 09' 10.00'' N, 115° 39' 04.00'' W
49.152778, -115.651111
UTM: Easting 598358, Northing 5445315, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 09' 10.09'' N, 115° 39' 00.78'' W
49.152803, -115.650217
UTM: Easting 598426, Northing 5445101, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082G04E
BCGS 082G012
Mining Divisions Fort Steele
Mining Camp
Title Geological Mapping of the Silver Fox Proeprty North
Report Year 2014
Number of Pages 22
Statements of Work 5519843
Affidavit Date 2014-08-28
Off Confidential 2015-08-28
Claims 515408, KRL, KRL 04-10, KRL 05-10, KRL 114-12, KRL 13-10, KRL 16-10, KRL 17-10, KRL 2, KRL 21-10, KRL 22-10, KRL 23-10, KRL 25-10, KRL 3, KRL 31-10
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Kootenay Silver Inc.
Owners Kennedy, Robert Duncan Craig (FMC 113931)
Lavoie, Darlene (132094)
Authors Anderson, Douglas
MINFILE Nos 082GSW058, 082GSW070, 082GSW072, 082GSW073, 082GSW085, 082GSW087, 082GSW088
Commodities Zinc, Lead, Copper, Silver
Work Done
Geological Geological 4000.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10000
Keywords Aldridge Formation, Argillites, Carbonate alteration, Copper, Creston Formation, Gateway Formation, Lead, Manganese, Nicol Creek Formation, Phillips Formation, Proterozoic, Purcell Supergroup, Purcell anticlinorium, Quartzites, Roosville Formation, Sedimentary rocks, Sericite alteration, Sheppard Formation, Silicification, Siliclastic rocks, Silver, Turbidites, Zinc, Chlorite alteration, Iron
Related Report(s) 33379, 33261, 32807, 32645, 32638, 32629, 32181, 31658, 30660, 29810, 29609, 29290, 28623, 28069, 27805, 26018, 25799, 25672, 25671, 25647, 25559, 21182, 20753, 19932, 10907, 56
File(s) 34965.pdf
Geological Summary