Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 35636

Property Name East Georgie River
NAD 83
55° 42' 29.00'' N, 130° 02' 36.00'' W
55.708056, -130.043333
UTM: Easting 434441, Northing 6174081, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
55° 42' 29.43'' N, 130° 02' 30.32'' W
55.708174, -130.041755
UTM: Easting 434538, Northing 6173878, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 103O09E
BCGS 103O070, 103O080, 103P061, 103P071
Mining Divisions Skeena
Mining Camp Alice Arm - Anyox Area
Title East Georgie River Project; Geological Mapping; Persuader and Rhyolite Ridge Areas
Report Year 2015
Number of Pages 42
Statements of Work 5565077, 5569237
Affidavit Date 2015-08-04
Off Confidential 2016-08-04
Claims 1017315, 1017335, 1017348, etc, GOLD 16\, GOLD 17, GOLD 6, Persuader Showing
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Maddin, C. Hugh (FMC 116570)
Owners Maddin, C. Hugh (FMC 116570)
Authors Goldsmith, Locke B.
MINFILE Nos 103O 016, 103O 023, 103O 026, 103O 125, 103P 272
Commodities Silver, Copper, Zinc, Gold
Work Done
Geological Geological 110.0 ha; No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:100 000, 1:5000
Keywords Bowser Lake Group, Coast Plutonic Complex, Hazelton Group, Jurassic, Quartz vein stockworks, Sedimentary rocks, Volcanic rocks, Salmon River Sediments
Related Report(s) 35332, 34843, 34838, 34826, 32623, 29656, 28961, 28377, 23689, 23217, 20813, 20697, 20024, 15107, 13860, 4820, 522, 489
File(s) 35636.pdf
Geological Summary