Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 38197

Property Name Lawless Creek
NAD 83
49° 39' 43.00'' N, 120° 54' 15.00'' W
49.661944, -120.904167
UTM: Easting 651247, Northing 5503154, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 39' 43.25'' N, 120° 54' 11.10'' W
49.662013, -120.903083
UTM: Easting 651330, Northing 5502945, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092H10W
BCGS 092H066
Mining Divisions Nicola, New Westminster, Similkameen
Mining Camp Nicola Belt
Title Assessment Report on the 2018 Compilation and 2019 Sentinel-2 Satellite and ASTER Study on the Lawless Creek Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 352
Statements of Work 5730786, 5731443
Affidavit Date 2019-02-15
Off Confidential 2020-02-15
Claims 1028108, 1028109, 1028110, 1028111, 1028113, 1028139, 1028140, 1036649, 1036650, 1038255, 1057511, 1057516, 1059091, 1059379, 1059916, 1060033, 1060442
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Tech-X Resources Inc. (279064)
Owners Tech-X Resources Inc. (279064)
Authors Koffyberg, Agnes M.
Gilmour, William R.
MINFILE Nos 092HNE006, 092HNE017, 092HNE039, 092HNE068, 092HNE127, 092HNE129, 092HNE192, 092HNE217, 092HNE220
Commodities Gold, Copper, Molybdenum/Molybdenite
Work Done
Geological Geological COMP FOTO; 14120.0 ha; No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:25000
Keywords Bornite, Breccia, Chalcopyrite, Cretaceous, Diorite, Jurassic, Metamorphic rocks, Molybdenite, Nicola Group, Potassic alteration, Quartz biotite feldspar porphyry, Quartz stockwork, Quartz veins, Sericite, Shears, Spences Bridge Group, Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Ultramafic rocks, Veins, Intrusive rocks, Tonalite, Calc-alkalic porphyry
Related Report(s) 36939, 36255, 35605, 35385, 35095, 31493, 30509, 30073, 25293, 24984, 24382, 22472, 20053, 17431, 16505, 16487, 16015, 11810, 9631, 9436, 8543, 6824, 5344, 4840, 4673, 4464, 4463, 2763, 2434, 708, 707, 659, 575, 125, 55
File(s) 38197.pdf
Geological Summary