Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 38231

Property Name Kirkham
NAD 83
56° 28' 59.00'' N, 130° 38' 07.00'' W
56.483056, -130.635278
UTM: Easting 399292, Northing 6261043, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 28' 59.41'' N, 130° 38' 01.13'' W
56.483170, -130.633646
UTM: Easting 399389, Northing 6260840, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104B07E
BCGS 104B047
Mining Divisions Skeena
Mining Camp Stewart Camp
Title 2018 Exploration and Drilling Program - Kirkham Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 1077
Statements of Work 5740528
Affidavit Date 2019-05-06
Off Confidential 2020-05-06
Claims 1016837, 1016838, 1019048, 1032445, 1038376, 1038382, 1038901, 1039023, 501297, 501315, 898142, 899118, 899120, 899121, 899123, 899124, 899127, 901709, 901769, 901789, 901809, 901829, 901849, 902449, 902469, 902529, 902570, 902649, 902689, 903689
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical
Operators Metallis Resources Inc.
Owners Metallis Resources Inc.
Authors Ryan, Carl
DuPre, Dave
Razique, Abdul
MINFILE Nos 104B 079, 104B 096, 104B 152, 104B 209, 104B 223, 104B 224, 104B 226, 104B 230, 104B 480, 104B 522, 104B 554, 104B 620, 104B 621, 104B 622
Commodities Cobalt, Gold, Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Copper, Nickel
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 12 hole(s); 5094.0 m
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geochemical Soil 92 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 107 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 1500.0 ha
Petrographic 22 sample(s)
Photo 10610.0 ha
Geophysical Electromagnetic, airborne 774.5 km
Keywords Andesitic volcanics, Cobalt, Copper, Diorite, Epithermal veins, Gold, Hazelton Group, Jurassic, Jurassic-Tertiary, Nickel, Porphyry, Potassic alteration, Quartz monzonites, Sericite alteration, Stikine Arch, Stuhini Group, Triassic, Intrusive rocks, Hawilson Monzonite, Pleistocene - Holocene, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Stikine Plutonic Suite, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Eskay Rift, Katete Mountain Pluton
Related Report(s) 37121, 36358, 35930, 35256, 34229, 31245, 29359, 27130, 24075, 22000, 21976, 21111, 20850, 20848, 20801, 20685, 20672, 19787, 19742, 19732, 19703, 19679, 19678, 19666, 19596, 19262, 18987, 18614, 18585, 18584, 16316, 11673, 10474, 6234, 5616, 5496, 2479
File(s) 38231.pdf
Geological Summary