Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 39373

Property Name Remington
NAD 83
51° 04' 52.00'' N, 122° 45' 11.00'' W
51.081111, -122.753056
UTM: Easting 517298, Northing 5658874, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 04' 52.29'' N, 122° 45' 06.75'' W
51.081191, -122.751876
UTM: Easting 517381, Northing 5658664, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092O02W
BCGS 092O007
Mining Divisions Lillooet
Mining Camp Taseko - Blackdome Area
Title Assessment Report on 2020 Stream Sediment Geochemistry, and Reconnaissance Prospecting on the Remington Project
Report Year 2021
Number of Pages 179
Statements of Work 5828998
Affidavit Date 2021-02-16
Off Confidential 2022-02-16
Claims 1066493, 1066494, 1066495, 1066496, 1066497, 1066498, 1066499, 1066500, 1066501, 1066502, 1066503, 1066504, 1066505, 1066506, 1066507, 1066508, 1066509, 1066510, 1066511, 1066512, 1072933, 1072934
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Talisker Resources Ltd.
Owners Talisker Resources Ltd.
Authors Carroll, Simon
MINFILE Nos 092JNE102, 092JNE120, 092JNE127, 092JNE140, 092O 047, 092O 059, 092O 065, 092O 096
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Silt 152 sample(s); No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 43 sample(s); No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Keywords Andesitic volcanics, Bridge River Complex, Cadwallader Group, Calc-alkaline volcanics, Chilcotin Group, Conglomerate, Cretaceous, Diorite, Eocene, Epithermal, Feldspar porphyries, Felsic intrusives, Harzburgites, Hurley Formation, Jackass Mountain Group, Jurassic, Ladner Group, Permian, Relay Mountain Group, Rhyolite, Sedimentary rocks, Shulaps Ultramafic Complex, Taylor Creek Group, Triassic, Ultramafic rocks, Volcanic rocks, Dacitic volcanics, Lizard Formation, Bralorne-East Liza Complex, Powell Creek Formation, Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Serpentinite Ultramafic Rocks, Gabbroic to Dioritic intrusive rocks, Silverquick Formation, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Miocene-Pleistocene, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Low sulphidation, Mesothermal, Tyoax Pass Formation, Dash Formation, Teepee Mountain Formation, Blueschist
Related Report(s) 39058, 38770, 35643, 33619, 32742, 30853, 30786, 30486, 30043, 29870, 27136, 27135, 22311, 18740, 18303, 17242, 16091, 12823, 12497, 10925, 10676, 10376, 9952, 9655, 9438, 9256, 9254, 9252, 5016, 4597, 3829, 3179, 1916
File(s) 39373.pdf
Geological Summary