Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 39627

Property Name Big Red
NAD 83
57° 47' 28.00'' N, 131° 51' 13.00'' W
57.791111, -131.853611
UTM: Easting 330374, Northing 6409030, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
57° 47' 28.40'' N, 131° 51' 06.76'' W
57.791221, -131.851878
UTM: Easting 330472, Northing 6408826, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104G13W
BCGS 104G071
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp
Title 2020 Mapping, Sampling and Drilling Report on the Big Red Property
Report Year 2021
Number of Pages 1040
Statements of Work 5846172
Affidavit Date 2021-09-29
Off Confidential 2022-09-29
Claims 1053059, 1053060, 1053061, 10530636, 1055101
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical
Operators Libero Copper and Gold Corp
Owners Libero Copper and Gold Corp
Authors Hughes, Christopher
Lindhuber, Matthias J.
Campbell, Cooper
MINFILE Nos 104G 001, 104G 002, 104G 024, 104G 121, 104G 149, 104G 206, 104G 207, 104G 208, 104G 209, 104G 210, 104G 211, 104G 212, 104G 213, 104G 214, 104G 215, 104G 229, 104G 230, 104G 450, 104G 451, 104G 452, 104G 457, 104G 460, 104G 461, 104G 464
Commodities Copper, Gold
Work Done
Drilling Rotary 24 hole(s); 3527.5 m
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geochemical Rock 329 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 372.4 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:15000
Geophysical Interpretation airborne geophysics
Keywords Carboniferous, Chert, Jurassic, Limestone, Marble, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Sedimentary rocks, Siliciclastics, Stikine Assemblage, Stuhini Group, Syenite, Triassic, Ultramafic rocks, Volcanic rocks, Intrusive rocks, Texas Creek Plutonic Suite, Tuya Formation, Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Alkaline Volcanic Rocks, Calcareous sedimentary rocks, Neogene, Copper Mountain Plutonic Suite, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Digital data geology map, Digital data geochemistry, Siliceous argillites, Digital data drilling, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Monzodiorite, Digital data airborne geophysics
Related Report(s) 39022, 36930, 35466, 34594, 32594, 28744, 28272, 27123, 27102, 25679, 22710, 21998, 21958, 21532, 21232, 20988, 20810, 20809, 20725, 20724, 20523, 20437, 20436, 20302, 20148, 19836, 19439, 19247, 19232, 19231, 19073, 19056, 18486, 10475, 9200, 9193, 9092, 3642, 847
File(s) 39627.pdf
Geological Summary