Location |
NAD 83 |
51° 23' 48.00'' N, 118° 24' 04.00'' W
51.396667, -118.401111
UTM: Easting 402527, Northing 5694869, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27 |
51° 23' 48.13'' N, 118° 24' 00.27'' W
51.396703, -118.400075
UTM: Easting 402596, Northing 5694653, Zone 11 (North)
082M08W |
082M038 |
Geological Summary |
The claims are underlain by Lardeau Group (Camb.-Dev) metasediments consisting mainly of schist with minor limestone and quartzites. In general siliceous metasediments contain pyrite and pyrrhotite, accessory minerals being magnetite, ankerite, dolomite, allanite, rutile, fuchsite and albite.