Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 15707

Property Name Island Copper Mine
NAD 83
50° 36' 59.01'' N, 127° 30' 05.98'' W
50.616392, -127.501662
UTM: Easting 606000, Northing 5608239, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
50° 36' 59.49'' N, 127° 30' 01.22'' W
50.616525, -127.500339
UTM: Easting 606097, Northing 5608037, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 092L12E
BCGS 092L063
Mining Divisions Nanaimo
Mining Camp Island Copper Area
Title FAME Report: Diamond Drilling, Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys on the Island Copper Mine Area
Report Year 1986
Number of Pages 323
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1987-03-31
Off Confidential 1988-03-31
Claims Apple 1-6, Mars, Mary, Moon, Star, Sun
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geophysical
Operators Utah Mines
Owners Utah Mines
Authors Clarke, G.A.
MINFILE Nos 092L 062, 092L 099, 092L 135, 092L 136, 092L 137, 092L 138, 092L 139, 092L 158, 092L 160
Commodities Barium/Barite, Pyrophyllite, Gold, Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Silver, Cadmium, Iron, Copper
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 6 hole(s); NQ; 3127.0 m; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:4800
Geochemical Sampling/assaying 627 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Lead, Zinc
Soil 719 sample(s); No. of maps: 24; Scale(s): 1:10 000, 1:12 000, 1:5000
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Arsenic, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Lead, Zinc
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground VLF; 12.6 km; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000
Magnetic, ground 18.3 km; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:5000
Related Report(s)
File(s) 15707a.pdf
Geological Summary
A porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold deposit occurs in and on the flanks of a quartz-feldspar porphyry dyke intruding Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group volcanics. Some skarn development has occurred in Upper Triassic Quatsino Formation rocks.