Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 17666

Property Name Nome
NAD 83
59° 09' 59.00'' N, 129° 40' 06.00'' W
59.166389, -129.668333
UTM: Easting 461789, Northing 6558771, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
59° 09' 59.20'' N, 129° 39' 59.81'' W
59.166444, -129.666613
UTM: Easting 461885, Northing 6558568, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104P04E
BCGS 104P012
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp Cassiar Camp
Title Geological and Geochemical Reort on the Nome Claims
Report Year 1988
Number of Pages 46
Statements of Work 0000057
Affidavit Date 1988-06-06
Off Confidential 1989-06-06
Claims Nome 1, Nome 3
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Lo, Peter
Lo, Betty Sui Pik
Owners Lo, Peter
Lo, Betty Sui Pik
Authors Sookochoff, Laurence
Commodities Copper, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Silver
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 421 sample(s); No. of maps: 6; Scale(s): 1:250
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Related Report(s) 16186
File(s) 17666.pdf
Geological Summary
The area is underlain by Devonian and Missippian Sylvester Group rocks in which chert and argillite are the dominant lithological units with greenstone subordinate. Greenstones predominate on the property with interbedded dark green chert beds. The chert (on the Nome 3 claim) contains up to 5 per cent pyrite. Within the gossan zone on the Nome 3 claim are numerous easterly trending steep dipping quartz veins. The quartz veins either contain up to 3 per cent pyrite and occasional tetrahedrite and mariposite or are barren bull quartz veins.