Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 26481

Property Name Deer Bay
NAD 83
49° 13' 59.00'' N, 125° 35' 05.00'' W
49.233056, -125.584722
UTM: Easting 311840, Northing 5456579, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 13' 59.42'' N, 125° 35' 00.59'' W
49.233172, -125.583497
UTM: Easting 311923, Northing 5456370, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092F04E
BCGS 092F023
Mining Divisions Alberni
Mining Camp Tofino - Kennedy River Area
Title Magnetometer Survey and Rock Chip Sampling on the Deer Bay Property
Report Year 2001
Number of Pages 54
Statements of Work 3157215
Affidavit Date 2000-11-09
Off Confidential 2001-11-09
Claims Nick 1, Super 1
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Physical
Operators Birkeland, Arne O. (FMC # 102420)
Owners Buckland, Peter
Birkeland, Arne O. (FMC # 102420)
Authors Birkeland, Arne O. (FMC # 102420)
MINFILE Nos 092F 029
Commodities Gold, Copper, Nickel
Work Done
Geochemical Sampling/assaying 37 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 25.0 ha
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 3.0 km
Physical Trail 1.0 km
Keywords Amphibolites, Chalcopyrite, Gabbros, Massive sulphides, Millerite, Mississippian-Permian, Pyrite, Semi-massive, Sicker Group, Violarite
Related Report(s) 25607, 25108, 23283, 22749, 21777, 18751, 17284, 16220, 14807, 8138, 8016
File(s) 26481a.pdf
Geological Summary