Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 28436

Property Name Shayne
NAD 83
49° 08' 39.00'' N, 124° 41' 55.00'' W
49.144167, -124.698611
UTM: Easting 376121, Northing 5444871, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 08' 39.39'' N, 124° 41' 50.70'' W
49.144274, -124.697416
UTM: Easting 376204, Northing 5444662, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092F02E
BCGS 092F017
Mining Divisions Alberni
Mining Camp
Title Geological and Geochemical Report on the Shayne Property
Report Year 2006
Number of Pages 22
Statements of Work 4074277
Affidavit Date 2006-03-14
Off Confidential 2007-03-14
Claims Shayne
General Work Categories Prospecting
Operators Becherer, Michael
Owners Becherer, Michael
Authors Becherer, Michael
MINFILE Nos 092F 078, 092F 079, 092F 080, 092F 082, 092F 084, 092F 085, 092F 093, 092F 167, 092F 172, 092F 247, 092F 285, 092F 331, 092F 348, 092F 385, 092F 386, 092F 399, 092F 429, 092F 437, 092F 438, 092F 439, 092F 442, 092F 443, 092F 444, 092F 456, 092F 457, 092F 458, 092F 492, 092F 565
Commodities Copper, Gold
Work Done
Prospecting Prospecting ME; 465.0 ha
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Arsenic, Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc
Keywords Basalts, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Conglomerates, Cretaceous, Hornblende quartz diorites, Jurassic, Karmutsen Formation, Pyrite, Shales, Tertiary, Triassic
Related Report(s) 28254, 28219, 28153, 27691, 27648, 27592, 27470, 27372, 27351, 27213, 27089, 26721, 26392, 26086, 22378, 20824, 20105, 18689, 18400, 18314, 17661, 17552, 17235, 17222, 17110, 16890, 16144, 15953, 15368, 15197, 15196, 15016, 14880, 14876, 14483, 14389, 14203, 14202, 14201, 13904, 13759, 13711, 13385, 13214, 12664, 12563, 12538, 11988, 11949, 11622, 11278, 11064, 10890, 10401, 10237, 10206, 10194, 10176, 9126, 8981, 8568, 8289, 8088, 7719, 7600, 6643, 6153, 6138, 5354
File(s) 28436.pdf
Geological Summary