Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 29626

Property Name Phoenix & Bluebell
NAD 83
49° 07' 00.00'' N, 118° 34' 04.00'' W
49.116667, -118.567778
UTM: Easting 385599, Northing 5441609, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 07' 00.18'' N, 118° 34' 00.42'' W
49.116716, -118.566784
UTM: Easting 385668, Northing 5441394, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082E02E
BCGS 082E018
Mining Divisions Greenwood
Mining Camp Greenwood Camp
Title 2007 Work Program, Geology, Soil and Rock Geochemistry, Grid Work, Geophysics and Trenching on the Phoenix and Bluebell Properties
Report Year 2007
Number of Pages 205
Statements of Work 4168091, 4180969
Affidavit Date 2007-09-04
Off Confidential 2008-09-04
Claims 216285, 516704, 516707, 516736, 516742, 516746, 516749, 516752, 516770, 519633, 519634 - 519635, 519638, 519640, BB 1 - 2, BB 4, Bat 3, ML Lease Area, PP 1, Phoenix Tailings, Summit 96-1
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Physical
Operators Kettle River Resources Ltd.
Owners Kettle River Resources Ltd.
Authors Caron, Linda J.
MINFILE Nos 082ESE003, 082ESE005, 082ESE006, 082ESE011, 082ESE012, 082ESE013, 082ESE014, 082ESE015, 082ESE016, 082ESE017, 082ESE018, 082ESE019, 082ESE020, 082ESE021, 082ESE022, 082ESE023, 082ESE024, 082ESE025, 082ESE026, 082ESE027, 082ESE028, 082ESE029, 082ESE030, 082ESE031, 082ESE032, 082ESE033, 082ESE046, 082ESE059, 082ESE060, 082ESE062, 082ESE063, 082ESE064, 082ESE065, 082ESE078, 082ESE117, 082ESE122, 082ESE132, 082ESE156, 082ESE158, 082ESE164, 082ESE183, 082ESE188, 082ESE194, 082ESE212, 082ESE216, 082ESE229, 082ESE232, 082ESE233, 082ESE234, 082ESE247, 082ESE248, 082ESE250, 082ESE257, 082ESE262, 082ESE265, 082ESE274
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 375 sample(s); CHIP FLOT GRAB; No. of maps: 12; Scale(s): 1:5 000
Elements Analyzed For Gold, Multielement
Soil 369 sample(s); No. of maps: 9; Scale(s): 1:5 000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Sampling/assaying 193 sample(s); CHIP TREN
Elements Analyzed For Gold, Multielement
Geological Petrographic 8 sample(s)
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 12.2 km; No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:2 500
Physical Trench 20 trench(es); 685.0 m; No. of maps: 14; Scale(s): 1:200, 1:5 000
Keywords Alkalic intrusions, Attwood Group, Devonian-Permian, Eocene, Epithermal veins, Greenstones, Kettle River Formation, Knob Hill Group, Lexington porphyries, Mississippian-Permian, Monzonites, Schists, Sedimentary rocks, Siliclastic rocks, Skarns, Triassic, Volcaniclastic rocks, Brooklyn Formation
Related Report(s) 28720, 28542, 28524, 28404, 28297, 28034, 27650, 27535, 27296, 27255, 26965, 26561, 26393, 26224, 25364, 25302, 24768, 24666, 22707, 22653, 22263, 22112, 21467, 21329, 21240, 20431, 17711, 17684, 17591, 17378, 17345, 17340, 2595
File(s) 29626.pdf
Geological Summary