Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 31396

Property Name Taurus
NAD 83
59° 16' 27.00'' N, 129° 41' 28.00'' W
59.274167, -129.691111
UTM: Easting 460611, Northing 6570785, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
59° 16' 27.19'' N, 129° 41' 21.78'' W
59.274220, -129.689384
UTM: Easting 460708, Northing 6570582, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104P05E
BCGS 104P022
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp Cassiar Camp
Title Geochemical Sampling, Trenching and Diamond Drilling Assessment Report for the Taurus Property
Report Year 2010
Number of Pages 1021
Statements of Work 4469022, 4471299, 4815309, 4815442
Affidavit Date 2010-02-09
Off Confidential 2011-02-09
Claims 511365, 511371, 511380, 511385, 511387, 511394, 514057, 514088, 514497, 514508, 514509, 514943-514945, 558610, 559394, 564713, 564714, 564715, 567733, 567756, 571356, 571357, 571358, 575976, 575978, 575979, 575980, 575982, 575983, 575984, 575985, 575986, 575987, 575989, 575990, 575991, 575993, 575994, 575995, 575996, 575998, 575999, 576000, 576001, 576003, 576004, 576005, 576007, 576008, 576009, 576010, 576011, 576012, 576013, 576014, 576015, 576016, 576017, 576018, 576019, 576020, 576021, 576022, 576023, 576024, 576025, 576026, 576027, 576028-576043, 576214-576220, Hunter Sw, Jennie Extension 1-3, Jennie Extension 4, Jennie Vein, Red Hill 5-6, Sun, Up, Wildcat 1-2
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Physical
Operators China Minerals Mining Corporation
Owners China Minerals Mining Corporation
Cassiar Gold Corporation
Authors Whitehead, Kristian Lorne
MINFILE Nos 104P 007, 104P 009, 104P 010, 104P 011, 104P 012, 104P 013, 104P 014, 104P 015, 104P 016, 104P 017, 104P 018, 104P 019, 104P 020, 104P 021, 104P 025, 104P 029, 104P 030, 104P 031, 104P 034, 104P 038, 104P 039, 104P 041, 104P 042, 104P 043, 104P 056, 104P 057, 104P 058, 104P 059, 104P 063, 104P 065, 104P 067, 104P 070, 104P 075, 104P 076, 104P 077, 104P 078, 104P 083, 104P 087, 104P 088, 104P 089, 104P 090, 104P 096, 104P 107, 104P 108, 104P 110, 104P 113, 104P 120, 104P 121, 104P 188
Commodities Gold, Silver
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 41 hole(s); 7538.3 m; No. of maps: 41; Scale(s): 1:1000, 1:250, 1:300, 1:500
Geochemical Soil 1545 sample(s); No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:5 000, 1:50 000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 23 sample(s); GRAB
Sampling/assaying 2988 sample(s); CORE TREN
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Multielement
Physical Trench 3 trench(es); 195.6 m
Keywords Argillites, Basaltic volcanics, Diorites, Gabbros, Gold, Limestones, Quartz veins, Slates, Ultramafics, Slide Mountain Complex
Related Report(s) 30855, 30833, 30832, 30623, 30286, 29571, 29235, 28922, 28746, 28314, 27751, 27350, 27226, 27183, 27079, 26041, 25977, 25708, 25656, 25545, 25522, 25375, 25254, 25253, 25176, 25142, 25021, 24945
File(s) 31396.pdf
Geological Summary