Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 33908

Property Name Porcupine
NAD 83
49° 59' 26.00'' N, 120° 34' 43.00'' W
49.990556, -120.578611
UTM: Easting 673559, Northing 5540390, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 59' 26.23'' N, 120° 34' 39.11'' W
49.990620, -120.577531
UTM: Easting 673642, Northing 5540181, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092H15E
BCGS 092H098
Mining Divisions Nicola
Mining Camp Nicola Belt
Title Structural Analysis Report on the Porcupine Property
Report Year 2013
Number of Pages 46
Statements of Work 5423583
Affidavit Date 2012-12-28
Off Confidential 2013-12-28
Claims 504335, 504336
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Billingsley, Richard John
Owners Billingsley, Richard John
Authors Sookochoff, Laurence
MINFILE Nos 092HNE052, 092HNE061, 092HNE105, 092HNE174, 092HNE203, 092HNE268
Commodities Copper
Work Done
Geological Photo 1100.0 ha
Keywords Andesitic volcanics, Cretaceous, Diorites, Nicola Group, Sedimentary rocks, Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Central Volcanic Facies
Related Report(s) 27001, 22148, 18019, 17554, 17523, 14983, 13714, 12113, 11376, 9386, 7365, 7122, 6837, 6260, 5875, 5534, 3115, 925, 250
File(s) 33908.pdf
Geological Summary