Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37960

Property Name Blackdome
NAD 83
51° 19' 12.00'' N, 122° 30' 11.00'' W
51.32, -122.503056
UTM: Easting 534630, Northing 5685528, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 19' 12.27'' N, 122° 30' 06.76'' W
51.320076, -122.501878
UTM: Easting 534713, Northing 5685319, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092O07E
BCGS 092O038
Mining Divisions Clinton
Mining Camp Taseko - Blackdome Area
Title Assessment Report on for the 2018 Geochemical Exploration Program on the Blackdome Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 206
Statements of Work 5717683, 5732210
Affidavit Date 2018-11-01
Off Confidential 2019-11-01
Claims 1044780, 509145, 509427, 509429, 509530, 509554, 509562, 509564, 509612, 509621
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Skeena Resources Limited
Owners Skeena Resources Limited
Authors Despotovic, Pero
Nichols, Ron F.
MINFILE Nos 092O 032, 092O 052, 092O 053
Commodities Gold, Silver
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 2028 sample(s); No. of maps: 10; Scale(s): 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:6000, 1:8000
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Arsenic, Gold, Multielement
Keywords Andesite, Bridge River Complex, Chilcotin Group, Conglomerate, Cretaceous, Cretaceous-Eocene, Diorite, Eocene, Epithermal, Feldspar porphyry, Felsic volcanics, Gold, Harzburgites, Jackass Mountain Group, Jurassic, Ladner Group, Mississippian-Jurassic, Paleocene, Permian, Rhyolite, Sedimentary rocks, Serpentinite, Shulaps Ultramafic Complex, Silver, Taylor Creek Group, Ultramafic rocks, Volcanic rocks, Intrusive rocks, Dash Creek Formation, Lizard Formation, Powell Creek Formation, Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Serpentinite Ultramafic Rocks, Quartz phyric felsitic intrusive rocks, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Miocene-Pleistocene, Digital data geochemistry, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Low sulphidation, Flapjack Peak Formation
Related Report(s) 36561, 30229, 30071, 29343, 28975, 27494, 27224, 27132, 26871, 26867, 26658, 24864, 20755, 19222, 18581, 18578, 18033, 16231, 16078, 14360, 14301, 12426, 11261, 11046, 10773, 10486, 9884, 8990, 8346, 8119, 7910, 7512, 7161, 6692, 4549
File(s) 37960.pdf
Geological Summary