Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 9203

Property Name EBL and REM
NAD 83
51° 19' 00.00'' N, 119° 47' 52.00'' W
51.316667, -119.797778
UTM: Easting 305037, Northing 5688757, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
51° 19' 00.18'' N, 119° 47' 48.10'' W
51.316717, -119.796694
UTM: Easting 305106, Northing 5688542, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082M05W
BCGS 082M032
Mining Divisions Kamloops
Mining Camp
Title Geological Report on EBL-REM Claims, East Barriere Lake, Kamloops MD
Report Year 1981
Number of Pages 32
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1981-06-16
Off Confidential 1982-06-16
Claims EBL, REM
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Northcote, K.
Authors Northcote, K.
Work Done
Geological Geological 0.0 ha
Related Report(s) 5973, 4685, 3884, 3431, 2989, 2680, 2369
File(s) 09203.pdf
Geological Summary
The claims are underlain by a sequence of interlayered and interlaminated chlorite schist, phyllites, quartz sericite schist and minor skarnified limestone which probably represents a volcanic succession with interbedded sediments. It is intruded by granodiorite dykes.