Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 36183

Property Name Todd-Poly
NAD 83
56° 15' 28.00'' N, 129° 47' 52.00'' W
56.257778, -129.797778
UTM: Easting 450577, Northing 6235056, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 15' 28.39'' N, 129° 47' 46.27'' W
56.257885, -129.796185
UTM: Easting 450674, Northing 6234853, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104A05W
BCGS 104A022
Mining Divisions Skeena
Mining Camp Stewart Camp
Title Assessment Report on the 2016, Phased Exploration Program
Report Year 2016
Number of Pages 388
Statements of Work 5608418, 5617362
Affidavit Date 2016-06-28
Off Confidential 2017-06-28
Claims 378754, 379525, 379526, 396304, 396305, 396306, 565637, 565639, 565641, 565642, 565643, 567019, 567021, 567023, 567025, 567026, 567027, 567028, 567029, 567030, 567031, 567032, 567033, 567034, 567035, 567036, 567038, 567039, 567042, 567043, 567044, 567045, 567046, 567047, 567048, 567049, 567051, 567178, BBT1, BBT2, BEAR GLACIER, BEAR GLACIER 2, BENJI 8 - 12, G-1, PAT 20 - 21, PAT 22, PAT 23, PAT 24, PAT 4 - 5, POLY 1 - 7, POLY 20 - 25, POLY 31, SUPPRISE CREEK MILL SITE, TODD 1 - 8, TODD 11 - 12, TODD 13, TODD 18
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Prospecting
Operators Millrock Resources Inc. (FMC #281537)
Owners Millrock Resources Inc. (FMC #281537)
Authors Molloy, David E.
MINFILE Nos 104A 001, 104A 025, 104A 026, 104A 080, 104A 096, 104A 102, 104A 103, 104A 105, 104A 106, 104A 107, 104A 108, 104A 109, 104A 110, 104A 111, 104A 154, 104A 177, 104A 184, 104A 185, 104A 196
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver, Lead, Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 9 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 0.0 ha
Geophysical Magnetic, ground MS; 0.0 km
Prospecting Prospecting 0.0 ha
Keywords Argillites, Betty Creek Formation, Breccias, Calc-alkaline volcanics, Chalcopyrite, Eocene, Feldspar porphyries, Galena, Greywackes, Hazelton Group, Hydrothermal alteration, Jurassic, Jurassic-Tertiary, Magnetite, Massive sulphides, Monzonites, Mount Dilworth Formation, Mudstones, Potassic alteration, Propylitic alteration, Pyrite, Quartz monzonites, Rhyolites, Salmon River Formation, Shales, Sphalerite, Tuffs, Unuk River Formation, Volcaniclastic rocks, Texas Creek Plutonic Suite
Related Report(s) 36009, 35956, 34250, 33574, 33163, 32167, 32060, 31671, 30929, 30595, 30204, 29917, 29663, 29203, 29035, 28088, 27793, 27792, 27028, 26580, 26485, 26285, 26253, 25391, 23849, 23828, 23236, 21974, 21097, 20835, 19922, 18800, 17423, 15988, 13684, 12345, 10404, 7576, 3428
File(s) 36183.pdf
Geological Summary