Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37870

NAD 83
50° 26' 00.00'' N, 120° 20' 04.00'' W
50.433333, -120.334444
UTM: Easting 689297, Northing 5590208, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 26' 00.22'' N, 120° 20' 00.11'' W
50.433394, -120.333363
UTM: Easting 689380, Northing 5589999, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I08W
BCGS 092I049
Mining Divisions Kamloops, Nicola
Mining Camp
Title Prospecting, Geological and Google Earth Interpretation Assessment Report on the NAP-Microgold Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 92
Statements of Work 5713917
Affidavit Date 2018-09-30
Off Confidential 2019-09-30
Claims 1049329, 1053055, 1053056, 1053057
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Lindinger, Leopold Joseph (Leo)
Owners Stewart, Jon Alten
Lindinger, Leopold Joseph (Leo)
Authors Lindinger, Leopold Joseph (Leo)
MINFILE Nos 092ISE107, 092ISE134, 092ISE169, 092ISE179
Commodities Perlite, Gold, Silver, Bentonite, Pozzolan
Work Done
Geological Geological 700.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000
Photo 1000.0 ha
Keywords Chalcedony, Clay, Copper, Dykes, Eocene, Epithermal, Flows, Gold, Granodiorite, Jurassic, Kamloops Group, Miocene, Nicola Group, Quartz, Quartz carbonates, Sedimentary rocks, Triassic, Volcanic rocks, Zinc, Intrusive rocks, Tuff, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Mesothermal, Decorative stone
Related Report(s) 37870, 37603, 36983, 36624, 36605, 36104, 35950, 35937, 35326, 35272, 35232, 34910, 34887, 34732, 34214, 34190, 33952, 33389, 33180, 33175, 33050, 32753, 32071, 31386, 31316, 30510, 28973, 28911, 28697, 25210, 24949, 24913, 24817, 24455, 24443, 24249, 24205, 24165, 23967, 23405, 22424, 22012, 20127, 19145, 18493, 16345, 16075, 14650, 13152, 11397, 11372, 11282, 9883, 8464, 7911, 7893, 7366, 6308, 4976, 4500, 4330, 4323, 4165, 4164, 123
File(s) 37870.pdf
Geological Summary