Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 38205

Property Name Spanish Mountain Gold
NAD 83
52° 35' 19.00'' N, 121° 27' 23.00'' W
52.588611, -121.456389
UTM: Easting 604571, Northing 5827627, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
52° 35' 19.20'' N, 121° 27' 18.77'' W
52.588667, -121.455215
UTM: Easting 604654, Northing 5827418, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093A11W
BCGS 093A053
Mining Divisions Cariboo
Mining Camp Cariboo - Quesnel Belt
Title Assessment Report on the 2018 Core Drilling Program and Archaeological Impact Assessment on the Spanish Mountain Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 254
Statements of Work 5732271
Affidavit Date 2019-02-27
Off Confidential 2020-02-27
Claims 204021, 204224, 204225, 204226, 204227, 204274, 204275, 204334, 204667, 205151, 373355, 373415, 399410, 399411, 399412, 399413, 399415, 399417, 399419, 404303, 502372, 502608, 503338, 510115, 512541, 512542, 512544, 512547, 512549, 512572, 514947, 517007, 517056, 517098, 517446, 517485, 521302, 537371, 537372, 538658, 603743, 810602, 822682, 844711
General Work Categories Drilling, Physical
Operators Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.
Owners Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.
Authors Koffyberg, Agnes M.
MINFILE Nos 093A 043, 093A 249
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 6 hole(s); 1061.0 m
Elements Analyzed For Gold, Multielement
Physical Archaeological Studies
Keywords Argillite, Ashcroft Formation, Carbonate, Gold, Graphite, Jurassic, Native gold, Nicola Group, Pyrite, Sedimentary rocks, Syenite, Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Volcanic rocks, Intrusive rocks, Conglomerate turbidites, Disseminated gold, Greywacke, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Sediment hosted gold, Vein-hosted gold, Wacke, Monzonite, Phyllite
Related Report(s) 38030, 36708, 34080, 33272, 32368, 32148, 30709, 30272, 30144, 30125, 29183, 29105, 29099, 29079, 28457, 28402, 28133, 28120, 28113, 27901, 27415, 27245, 27047, 26484, 26477, 26473, 26210, 25323, 24729, 24582, 24390, 23921, 23843, 23735, 22888, 22703, 22437, 18944, 17636, 17468, 17467, 15880, 15133, 14682, 14468, 13306, 13018, 13006, 12811, 12233, 12114, 11822, 11428, 10864, 9762, 9728, 8636, 8124, 8054, 7674, 7635, 6935, 6460, 5388, 5198, 4656, 3943, 3279, 3278, 3121, 2835, 2606
File(s) 38205.pdf
Geological Summary