Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 40639

Property Name Eldorado/Robson
NAD 83
51° 00' 23.40'' N, 122° 52' 45.84'' W
51.0065, -122.8794
UTM: Easting 508461, Northing 5650555, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 00' 23.69'' N, 122° 52' 41.59'' W
51.006582, -122.878218
UTM: Easting 508544, Northing 5650345, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092O02W
BCGS 092O006
Mining Divisions Lillooet
Mining Camp Taseko - Blackdome Area
Title 2022 Assessment Report Helicopter-Borne Versatile Time Domain Eletromagnetic (VTEM) & Aeromagnetic Geophysical Survey & Modelling
Report Year 2022
Number of Pages 114
Statements of Work 5950740
Affidavit Date 2022-09-19
Off Confidential 2023-09-19
Claims 809842, 809822, 817562, 817502, 809882, 825362, 502818, 825382, 514957, 513822, 809862, 817542, 809902, 810362, 1081873, 502809
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Gelum Resources Inc
Owners Shannon, Ken Robb
Durfeld, Rudolf Mateo
Stewart, John Melvin (Mel)
Authors Drobe, John R. M.Sc,P.Geo
MINFILE Nos 092JNE041, 092JNE100, 092JNE105, 092O 018, 092O 026, 092JNE037, 092O 020, 092JNE095, 092JNE032, 092O 023, 092O 017, 092JNE045
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geophysical Electromagnetic, airborne VTEM Geotech Ltd.; 907.0 km
Magnetic, airborne Geotech Ltd.; 907.0 km
Keywords Basaltic volcanic rocks, Silverquick Formation, Bralorne-East Liza Complex, Cretaceous, Lizard Formation, Eldorado Pluton, Orogenic gold, Relay Mountain Group, Conglomerate, Bendor Suite, Diorite, Taylor Creek Group, Cretaceous-Paleocene, Hurley Formation, Cadwallader Group, Bridge River Complex, Ladner Group, Teepee Mountain Formation, Bridge River Group, Triassic, Listwanite, Jurassic-Cretaceous, Vein-hosted, Arsenopyrite, Dash Formation, Granodiorite, Stibnite, Blueschist, Powell Creek Formation, Ankerite, Digital data airborne geophysics
Related Report(s) 40290, 34118, 32974, 32891, 32404, 31402, 31133, 30065, 28825, 28124, 27866, 26126, 21076, 19686, 18373, 18056, 15241, 14932, 14812, 14428, 14288, 13709, 13666, 12822, 12763, 12496, 11931, 11930, 11231, 10948, 9545, 9324, 9062, 8344, 6287, 6002, 5659
File(s) 40639.pdf
Geological Summary