Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 40803

Property Name Goldrange
NAD 83
51° 28' 29.99'' N, 124° 35' 02.00'' W
51.474996, -124.583888
UTM: Easting 390001, Northing 5703838, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 28' 30.77'' N, 124° 34' 56.98'' W
51.475213, -124.582494
UTM: Easting 390095, Northing 5703642, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092N07E
BCGS 092N048
Mining Divisions Clinton
Mining Camp
Title Geophysical Assessment Report on the Goldrange Property
Report Year 2023
Number of Pages 58
Statements of Work 5957751
Affidavit Date 2022-11-10
Off Confidential 2023-11-10
Claims 1075137, 1075903, 1081194, 1081195, 1095121, 1078158, 1085411, 1074836, 1085409, 1081190, 1085408, 1075138, 1075667, 1075907, 1073713, 1075904, 1075899, 1073888, 1085406, 1078155, 1074839, 1074837, 1065463, 1073715, 1074835, 1095122, 1085410, 1075666, 1078154, 1078156, 1081196, 1081192, 1073712, 1081197, 1075668, 1085407, 1081198, 1075665, 1075901, 1078157, 1075900, 1085412, 1075905, 1081193, 1081191
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Kingfisher Resources Ltd.
Owners Kingfisher Resources Ltd.
Authors Stewart, Paul
Jubinville, Sean
MINFILE Nos 092N 097, 092N 099, 092N 035, 092N 018, 092N 093, 092N 036, 092N 096, 092N 095, 092N 094, 092N 038, 092N 098, 092N 057, 092N 037, 092N 062, 092N 040, 092N 058, 092N 047, 092N 059, 092N 048, 092N 019, 092N 072
Commodities Copper, Gold
Work Done
Geophysical Induced Polarization 11.4 km
Keywords Orogenic gold, Calc-alkaline rocks, Bendor Suite, Tonalite, Mount Moore Formation, Cadwallader Group, Digital data ground geophysics, Limestone, Mafic volcanics, Taylor Creek Group, Cloud Drifter Formation, Sedimentary rocks, Calcareous sedimentary rocks, Cloud Drifter Formation, Sandstone, Triassic-Cretaceous, Volcanic rocks, Imbricate zone, Eastern Waddington thrust belt, Cadwallader plutonic suite, Ottarasko Formation, Cretaceous-Paleocene, Basalt, Marble, Granodiorite, Coast Plutonic Complex, Intrusion related gold, Powell Creek Formation, Sandstone, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Orthogneiss, Mosley Formation, Volcaniclastic rocks
Related Report(s) 39734, 39459, 39432, 37897, 37886, 32152, 31382, 31381, 25551, 22974, 22383, 21876, 21861, 19355, 18250, 18022, 17980, 17858, 17392, 16959, 16688, 13150, 12691, 10654, 9575
File(s) 40803.pdf
Geological Summary