Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 39263

Property Name Spences Bridge
NAD 83
50° 12' 01.00'' N, 121° 14' 55.00'' W
50.200278, -121.248611
UTM: Easting 624991, Northing 5562367, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 12' 01.25'' N, 121° 14' 51.01'' W
50.200348, -121.247504
UTM: Easting 625074, Northing 5562158, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I03E
BCGS 092I024
Mining Divisions Clinton, Kamloops, Nicola
Mining Camp
Title Assessment Report on 2020 Stream Sediment Geochemistry, Soil Geochemistry, Reconnaissance Prospecting, and Geological Mapping on the Spences Bridge Gold Project
Report Year 2020
Number of Pages 1285
Statements of Work 5814649
Affidavit Date 2020-10-10
Off Confidential 2021-10-10
Claims 1063304, 1063306, 1063307, 1063308, 1063309, 1063310, 1063311, 1063312, 1063313, 1063314, 1063315, 1063316, 1063317, 1063318, 1063319, 1063320, 1063321, 1063322, 1063323, 1063324, 1063325, 1063326, 1063327, 1063328, 1063329, 1063330, 1063331, 1063332, 1063333, 1063334, 1063335, 1063336, 1063337, 1063338, 1063339, 1063340, 1063341, 1063342, 1063343, 1063344, 1063345, 1063347, 1063349, 1063350, 1063351, 1063352, 1063353, 1063355, 1063356, 1063357, 1063358, 1063359, 1063360, 1063361, 1063362, 1063363, 1063364, 1063365, 1063366, 1063367, 1063368, 1063370, 1063371, 1063373, 1063375, 1063376, 1063379, 1063380, 1063381, 1063410, 1063413, 1063414, 1063415, 1063416, 1063417, 1069088, 1070446, 4063305, 855421, 855422, 855424, 855425, 855426, 855427, 855428, 855430
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological
Operators Talisker Resources Ltd.
Owners Talisker Resources Ltd.
Authors Carroll, Simon
Pochereva, Nicholas
MINFILE Nos 092HNE183, 092INW003, 092INW092, 092INW105, 092INW110, 092ISW056, 092ISW082, 092ISW084, 092ISW086, 092ISW118, 092ISW119, 092ISW120, 092ISW121, 092ISW124, 092ISW128, 092O 054, 092O 060, 092O 133, 092O 138, 092O 143, 092O 150, 092O 151
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 4330 sample(s); No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Silt 116 sample(s); No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 211 sample(s); No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:10000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Sampling/assaying 20 sample(s); TALF
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 5000.0 ha; No. of maps: 4; Scale(s): 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:7000
Keywords Amphibolite, Andesite, Cache Creek Complex, Calc-alkaline volcanics, Chilcotin Group, Cretaceous, Diorite, Eocene, Epithermal, Feldspar porphyries, Felsic intrusives, Gold, Granite, Granodiorite, Jackass Mountain Group, Jurassic, Kamloops Group, Limestone, Marble, Marble Canyon Formation, Mount Lytton Complex, Nicola Group, Permian, Princeton Group, Sedimentary rocks, Silver, Spences Bridge Group, Triassic, Volcanic rocks, Tonalite, Spius Creek Formation, Pimainus Formation, Western Volcanic Facies, Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Calcareous sedimentary rocks, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Miocene-Pleistocene, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Alkali-feldspar granites, Low sulphidation, Kyanite grade, Mount Martley and Tiffin Creek Stocks
Related Report(s) 38749, 38699, 38086, 36846, 36503, 35996, 35897, 35247, 35234, 35214, 35203, 34624, 34541, 33958, 33935, 33768, 33696, 33625, 33205, 33141, 33049, 32806, 32698, 32508, 32285, 32284, 32261, 32158, 31935, 31744, 31594, 31593, 31590, 31588, 31504, 31492, 31482, 31448, 31330, 31190, 30938, 30906, 30904, 30878, 30796, 30474, 30407, 29991, 29819, 29633, 29559, 29458, 28949, 28948, 28946, 28926, 28827, 28705, 28559, 28521, 28495, 28374, 28170, 28166, 27949, 27899, 27473, 25111, 25042, 22551, 20438, 20179, 19774, 17840, 17820, 17653, 16352, 16293, 16287, 15176, 13993, 13336, 13019, 12948, 12944, 12786, 11852, 11585, 10383, 9636, 8771, 7027, 5856, 5418, 5123, 4848, 4841
File(s) 39263.pdf
Geological Summary