Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37774

Property Name Aspen Grove
NAD 83
50° 00' 05.00'' N, 120° 34' 10.00'' W
50.001389, -120.569444
UTM: Easting 674177, Northing 5541616, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 00' 05.23'' N, 120° 34' 06.11'' W
50.001453, -120.568365
UTM: Easting 674260, Northing 5541407, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I02E
BCGS 092I008
Mining Divisions Nicola
Mining Camp Nicola Belt
Title 2018 Geophysical, Geological and Prospecting Assessment Report on the Aspen Grove Property
Report Year 2018
Number of Pages 54
Statements of Work 5704090, 5716807
Affidavit Date 2018-07-13
Off Confidential 2019-07-13
Claims 1044783, 1044787, 1044792, 1044794, 1044796, 1050901, 1050902, 1050903
General Work Categories Geological, Geophysical, Prospecting
Operators Billingsley, Richard John
Walcott, Alexander
Cazador Resources Ltd.
Owners Billingsley, Richard John
Walcott, Alexander
Cazador Resources Ltd.
Authors Travis, Adam
Travis, Brittany
MINFILE Nos 092HNE036, 092HNE052, 092HNE054, 092HNE061, 092HNE083, 092HNE084 092HNE091, 092HNE105, 092HNE117, 092HNE144, 092HNE145, 092HNE146, 092HNE147, 092HNE164, 092HNE174, 092HNE177, 092HNE203, 092HNE204, 092HNE252, 092HNE256, 092HNE258, 092HNE259, 092HNE267, 092HNE268, 092HNE270, 092ISE165, 092HNE084
Commodities Gold, Copper
Work Done
Geological Photo DRON; 497.8 ha; No. of maps: 4; Scale(s): 1:10000, 1:30000, 1:9835
Geophysical Magnetic, airborne DRON; 32.0 km; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:5000
Prospecting Prospecting 497.8 ha
Keywords Alkalic intrusions, Andesitic volcanics, Ashcroft Formation, Copper, Cretaceous, Diorite, Eocene, Feldspar porphyry, Granodiorite, Jurassic, Monzonites, Nicola Group, Porphyritic, Princeton Group, Pyroclastics, Quesnel Terrane, Sedimentary rocks, Shale, Siltstone, Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Volcanic flows, Intrusive rocks, Mudstone, Fine Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Alkaline Volcanic Rocks, Pleistocene - Holocene, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Volcanic redbed
Related Report(s) 37032, 37031, 35463, 35163, 34270, 34244, 33908, 32362, 31213, 29964, 29349, 28397, 27112, 27001, 24019, 23446, 22566, 22305, 22148, 21678, 20551, 18019, 17554, 17523, 16008, 14983, 14108, 12113, 11468, 11376, 11241, 11197, 9386, 7946, 7876, 7654, 7399, 7365, 7293, 7122, 7043, 6761, 6260, 5875, 5766, 5534, 4893, 4475, 4076, 3115, 2881, 1842, 1752, 1595, 1016, 962, 925, 250
File(s) 37774.pdf
Geological Summary